June was, to put it mildly, a bit nuts. It was so nuts that I managed to squeeze out only four blog posts, a record low in Cheryl Shops history. For that I am a bit ashamed, but I'm happy to report I spent the last two weeks chilling the eff out. The good ol' MTA nearly harshed my post-vacation mellow today, but alas, I beat on, boats against the current, et cetera. In other words, I'm back and ready to talk about stuff you need to buy.

So, I realize I start out a lot of my posts talking about the weather—I'm not a 72-year-old man, I swear—but, whoa, this heat! And while we're at it, this humidity! I am not kidding, it was 97 degrees in my apartment yesterday when I got home from vacation. Twelve hours of A/C blasting later, it was still too hot to blow-dry my hair this morning, so I decided to prolong my vacation a little bit—well, as far as my hair was concerned. All last week, I practiced a very low-maintenance hair routine, which was as follows: 1) Rinse hair in outdoor shower. 2) Spray liberally with
Oribe Apres Beach spray. 3) Pour a cocktail and let hair air-dry. Which was exactly what I did today, minus the outdoor shower. And, okay, the cocktail.
Apres Beach spray is gem among gems in the Oribe line (I'll save my gushing over
Maximista and
Dry Texturising spray for another post). I find it to be much more moisturizing than similar beach sprays, which is important when you have parched, processed strands like mine; Oribe's is full of rich oils that give your hair that beachy texture without making it stiff and crunchy. It comes in an aerosol can, which I've found delivers the product more evenly than the traditional pump spray. And then there's the scent—like all Oribe products, it carries a rich, sexy fragrance that smells like nothing else on the market; close your eyes and you could be on a yacht anchored in St. Tropez, as suggested by the copy on the back. Of course, considering the rate at which I'm going through the $37 can, I won't likely be going to the South of France anytime soon. But with beachy waves like these, looks like I don't even need to.
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