What's happening on my Instagram

As you know by now, I'm not one of those bloggers who takes photos of herself and posts them, otherwise known as a "personal style blogger." This is mostly because I'm shy. However, I've been carefully testing the waters on Instagram, which is by far my favorite app on my iPhone, primarily because it makes every so-so photo I take look like a near work of art. (It's also available on Android, so if you don't have it already, download it. I promise, it'll be worth it. And if you still have a Blackberry...seriously, you still have a Blackberry?!) It's also my favorite extension of Cheryl Shops—more so than Facebook, Pinterest, and even Twitter. It's a quick, fun way to document what I see and do—everything from Fashion Week and press previews to my travels and my social life (warning: I drink a lot). But, if I'm being totally, narcissistically honest, what I really like doing is taking pictures of things I'm wearing. Or things I want to be wearing. So, thanks to the good people at Intel, makers of the new Ultrabook, I bring you my favorite Instagram photos of late.

As you can see, I'm slightly obsessed with my footwear. But then again, you probably already knew that. So, follow me on Instagram at @Cherylshops for more photographic adventures. And if you're in the market for a new laptop, now you don’t have to sacrifice beauty for power. Introducing the ultra-sleek, ultra-responsive Ultrabook™, Inspired by Intel. Visit intel.com/ultrabook for more information.

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Intel via Glam Media.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Intel.

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