A matching bra and panty set in your size—the options are the Parfait by Affinitas Anna Bra (in sizes 30D-40G), featured in last week's post and at right, with matching thong or hipster (in sizes S-XXL) or the equally pretty Affinitas Carolyn Bra at lower right (push-up or padded, in sizes 30-36A, 30-38B, C, 32-38 D, DD) with matching thong or hipster (in sizes S-XL).

How to enter
Leave a comment on this post below, and make sure there's a way for me to contact you, either by registering with your Google account, OpenID, link to your email address or website, or spell it out old-school (i.e. address at ISP dot com).
Bonus entries:
Get up to three (3) additional entries by becoming a fan of Affinitas on Facebook, following Affinitas on Twitter, or following Affinitas on Pinterest. Just note in your comment any bonus entries—honor system!
Rules & regulations:
The deadline for entering is 11:59 p.m. EST on Sunday, April 8, 2012. Cheryl Shops will pick three (3) winners at random. Winners will be contacted on Monday, April 9, 2012. If winner does not respond within three (3) business days, Cheryl Shops reserves the right to pick a new winner.
Good luck!
I'm in. Busty gals need love too!
Jrsz at umich dot edu
I've even done all 3 social networks :)
I have some Affinitas and nothing fits better!!!
April C.
I'm a fan of Affinitas on Facebook
April C.
I follow Affinitas on Twitter
April C.
I've wanted to try this brand for a while. Hoping I can win ;) I follow on facebook and twitter.
I follow Affinitas on Pinterest
April C.
Thanks os much for the fun contest!
I like on fb- cindy batchelor
follow on twitter @ladyboarder9669
and follow on pinterest
great giveaway! I follow via BL.
laroyal06 at gmail dot com
I like Affinitas on fb as Laura Royal
I follow on twitter as @laroyal06
Consider me entered!
katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
Sooo pretty! I would love to win. Gorgeous colors and styles. Thanks so much!
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
i also like affinitas on facebook
katherinedibello (at) gmail (dot) com
I follow Affinitas on Twitter (roomofmyown)
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
I like Affinitas on Facebook (Amber H)
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
I follow Affinitas on Pinterest (aroomofmyown)
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
I would love to win this lovely set!
primandpropahgirl @ gmail.com
I also follow Affinitas on Facebook under Amanda Shelley Davis
I follow Affinitas on Twitter under @primandpropah
I follow them on Pinterest under Prim and Propah
My Husband would love it :)
Facebook: Valerie Smith
twitter: ralvyandbubba
pintrest: ralvyandbubba
kubisak(underscore)smith at yahoo dot com
Follow on twitter :Ralvyandbubba
kubisak(underscore)smith at yahoo dot com
follow on pinterest: ralvyandbubba
kubisak(underscore)smith at yahoo dot com
I am a fan of Affinitas on Facebook~Stacy Kurtz
I followed Affinitas on Twitter-stacylkurtz
I would love to win this set, so pretty! stacy825 at yahoo dot com
I would love to win an Affinitas Carolyn Bra! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love, love, love this!
I'm a fan on Facebook! Jessica fabiann
And I like Affinitas on Facebook (how I found out about Cheryl Shops) and also follow Affinitas on twitter @angssecrets.
Thanks again!
I love that this comes in larger sizes. So pretty=) Fan on facebook and Twitter. =) Forgot my email loveforlillie27 at gmail dot com
I would love these! Mishacarr36@gmail.com. or mt facebook misha nichols care...thanks!
What an amazing giveaway! I would be thrilled to win!
kalinawedding at gmail dot com
I "like" Affinitas on Facebook! (Amy P.) I've been following them for a while...I would love to win this fabulous giveaway!
kalinawedding at gmail dot com
I follow on twitter!
kalinawedding at gmail dot com
I'm on Facebook
briannamusic at live dot com
So very pretty and thank you for giveaway!
mom22girlz at ymail dot com
Oh, so pretty!
I "like" Affinitas on Facebook.
mom22girlz at ymail dot com
I follow Affinitas on Twitter.
mom22girlz at ymail dot com
I follow following Affinitas on Pinterest.
I'm a fan of Affinitas on Facebook. And forgot to leave my email ebickell at hotmail dot com
I follow Affinitas on Facebook
Christine W
The Anna is so PRETTY! I'm a big fan of Parfait by Affinitas. Fan on FB. gettingmomback at gmail dot com
I would love to win...
mariovario (facebook friend)
My husband told me to enter! Plus I have never worn this brand and would love to try it out.
Sarah D.
I would love to win this for my wife and I have subscribed to this blog and have Liked Affinitas since they started their Facebook site over two years ago.
Oh man, Affinitas has some great pieces!
I already followed them on facebook but I did follow them on Pinterest and Twitter. :)
Looks so pretty!
Pretty! einkspot (at) hotmail (dot) com
Also a fan of them on Facebook.
Thank you Cheryl for the giveaway.
This is gorgeous!I am a Facebook fan,I follow and am tweeting @tatzgrrly and follow on Pinterest as well :) Thanks for the chance!
Dana Rodriguez
How nice of them to offer this! Very cute stuff.
Love the colors! Also a fan on Facebook!
This company just seems so great and everything is sooo cute! I definitely follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest! Thanks for providing the opportunity to win these really great products!
I followed them on Facebook and on Twitter because all of their lingerie is gorgeous!!
These are so beautiful! Affinitas has some beautiful lingerie!
Definitely followed them on facebook after discovering them!
After looking through my bra and underwear drawers, I am in serious need of a lingerie upgrade! spence2001us@yahoo.com
I would love to win!
Jessica at jjuranich at yahoo dot com.
amycaron AT gmail DOT com
I love all of them. Count me in!
ショッピングなら、ぜひ「GUCCI JAPAN」にお任せください!中心となっているグッチ 財布&GUCCI バッグトントン入荷中!王道のGUCCI ショルダーの新作も待望の登場!
I thought it said infinite lingerie.
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