Eos Boot from AllSaints Spitalfields. If you haven't yet been to their store on Broadway in NYC, I'd highly recommend checking it out. It's a curious mix of biker and Victorian, but the chain is British, and somehow it all works. The prices are reasonable, the quality is good, and the clothes are unique but very trend-conscious. Which brings me to the Eos boots--the buckled design gives a nod to another British import (Vivienne Westwood's iconic pirate boots), but the cutout design, complete with madcap cantilevered heel, is a bit sexier. They're a great transitional shoe too--half boot, half pump, and perfect for this 65-degrees-one-day, 90-degrees-the-next weather we've been having. Then again, if that means I can continue wearing awesome shoes like these infinitely, then I would be okay with that.
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Love these eco boots
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