Yes, I'm a fan of Hunter Wellie rain boots, but they seem to be growing in popularity and are showing up on well-dressed feet all round town. I am looking for a new pair of unique rain boots and found Aigle rain boots that are made in France. Mais oui! These boots are a bit more fitted and I love the riding boot style that is made completely of rubber. A lovely boot to throw on with leggings and an over-sized chunky knit sweater when I'm running out the door in a hurry. These boots are tailored and becoming every bit as fashionable as the Hunter wellies. These boots are from Aigle, which provides outdoor gear to French sportsmen, equestrians and those who visit the countryside for pleasure. Yes, these are the real deal and are perfect for urbanites looking for a waterproof and comfortable city rain boot.
Retailers including Martin + Osa and J. Crew now carry Aigle boots. On the upper left is the Aigle Start Riding Boot ($103.20 was $129.00 at Martin and Osa), a lovely plain black riding boot that is a perfect reproduction of their leather counterparts. On the model are a pair of violet Burberry rain boots (upper right, $195 at Net-a-Porter) to show you how utterly fab skinny jeans look tucked into tall rain boots. On the bottom row far left is the Aigle Women's Bergen lace up rain boot ($207.95 at Shoebuy.com). I love the lace up fronts, which makes tucking in your jeans easier and ensuring an extra snug fit. Again in the riding boot style these two-toned Aigle Jumping Rubber Boots ( bottom row middle, $199.99 at saddlesource.com) look like traditional dressage riding boots if you are looking for the Bon chic, bon genre aka French preppy style. Lastly is the two-toned Aigle Women's Rubber Boot in Brown, ($149.00 at studentmarket.com). I love the two-toned texture of this one, a nice alternative to an all black boot, would look chic and sporty paired with tweed and a chunky cashmere sweater.
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