Best single piece of swag: $200 laser-hair removal gift certificate to Completely Bare (from Gen Art)
Second-best single piece of swag: A brand-new Nintendo DS and game (from Julie Haus)
Most useful swag: DHL flash drive (from Mercedes Benz press bag)
Most useless swag: The 7 mini mirrors I received. I know fashion people do a lot of coke, but, seriously, how many tiny mirrors does one need? (In my case, none.)
Best alternate-use swag: Office Max's rubber-band ball, which, as another journalist pointed out, can be used to massage sore feet
Swag I had no idea I needed: Crushing stick, for use in caipirinhas (from Carlos Miele)
Most luxe swag: Elemis skincare, wool tights, and a cute tote bag at Karen Walker
Most tempting swag: $50 Te Casan gift certificate (from Malan Breton)
Cutest tote bag: Twinkle by Wenlan
Swag request for next season: More food, please!
Best all-around swag bag: Geren Ford, whose pouch contained Smashbox makeup, Earl grey tea, perfume samples, sugar-free gum, a Vosges chocolate bar, and a pretty long silk scarf, as seen on the runway.
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