If you're anything like me, your makeup collection is a bit of a mishmash. I use about five or six products on a daily basis--ones that I've actually purchased here and there--but in the rest of my bag, it's a hodgepodge of Fashion Week freebies, gift-with-purchase remnants, Sephora impulse buys, and stuff I read about in Allure. I've always wanted to go to a makeup counter, get a makeover, and then buy some products; my mom did this with me when she deemed me ready to wear makeup, sometime in middle school. Nowadays, however, I'm kind of afraid of a lot of the makeup-counter workers, both for their aggressive manner and potentially inappropriate suggestions. I want to look like a better version of me, not someone--or something--else.

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1 comment
Thanks for this GREAT heads up! I snagged one right away and I love it! It's beyond fab! Also, I signed up for a Saks credit card so I could save 10% on the purchase (I don't really plan to use the card much at all, I just thought I'd like the 10%!)
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