America's Next Top Model recap
I'd like to have a moment of silence for Jael, quite possibly the kookiest
America's Next Top Model contestant ever (and that's saying something). Obviously doomed from the start, Jael drew the ire of both Twiggy and Nigel early on, in spite of being championed by Ms. Tyra herself. Jael didn't really photograph well, and appeared totally strung out (but endearingly so) in person, so the fact that she couldn't deliver a Cover Girl commercial was really the nail in the coffin. I mean, could you really see Jael the "anarchist" doing those weekly "My life as a Cover Girl" spots? Exactly. Although I nearly lost my shit when I saw Jael frolicking amidst the chickens on the shoot. I also nearly lost it when Renee busted out the Steve Irwin accent during her commercial, a touching yet hilarious homage (may he rest in peace). The other thing that really made me laugh was when, upon learning they'd be traveling to Australia, Jaslene said, "I've only been to the hood and around the corner." That was genius. I'm glad the girls are in Australia for their little trip; hopefully the challenge with Australian slang will be all we'll see of the annoying "cultural" bits Tyra throws in to seem worldly. Speaking of which, I love Natasha. She may be a mail-order bride, but she's a damn smart one. If she's not in the top three, I'll be shocked.
Next week is the midseason recap episode, which normally I'd be annoyed about, but they're usually filled with wonderful little chestnuts, and with the crazy gals on the show this season, I'm expecting many, many laughs.
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