Of all the designers from Project Runway, if you had told me that Malan Breton would be the only one showing at the Fall 2007 Fashion Week, I think I would've fallen out of my chair. Malan is a weird bird--he seems trapped in some bygone era, he has an unidentifiable accent, and in the world of Malan, women wear dressing gowns, turbans, and back-seamed stockings. That said, he certainly has a point of view: It's kind of like Dita von Teese in an expensive vintage store.
Lest we should think it's the 1930s, however, Malan snapped us back to reality with the first model he sent out: Melrose from America's Next Top Model, who totally cheesed it out and did about five poses at the end of the runway.

The first several looks were definitely for day--trousers, suits, and such--and I think they were among the strongest in the collection. This alligator-embossed coat was gorgeous.

And I have no idea where one would wear a velvet dressing gown, but, hey, if you're in the market for one, this one was quite stunning.

But then Malan started to stray a bit from his path of retro sophistication. Case in point:


And from there on, the show kind of fell apart. The dresses started to lose their shape and I started to notice uneven hems, sloppily pinned waists, and the fact that the models were walking incredibly slow to the jazz-music soundtrack.

And then Melrose came out again with her stompy walk and did about 17 poses.

The presence of Tim Gunn, crazy Angela, and dorky Diana in the front row--plus Melrose and PR alums Marilina and Nazri on the runway--only helped to reinforce the fact that Malan is a reality star. And, as the can of Niagara spray starch in the gift bag cemented, a strange one at that. But as for whether his design talent can eclipse his persona, well, I think that remains to be seen.
Your reviews of Fashion week are done really well. I like all the pictures.
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