My parents were in town this weekend, which prevented me from going to all the shows I was invited to (not that I'm complaining!). I ended up going to only one show on Saturday, Jeanisis by Anand Jon, and after the experience I had, it was about one too many. The Metropolitan Pavilion is hosting a satellite location, called the Style Lounge, through Monday, featuring smaller shows (Project Runway alums Daniel Franco and Malan Breton are presenting shows there on Monday). Bad sign #1 came at the door, when my name wasn't on the list, and I was given a standing ticket. I was irritated about this at first, but then I realized that there were way more empty seats than reserved ones, so I took one in the fourth row. (There were no gift bags to speak of at this show.) Now, the problem with this venue was that while the runway was somewhat raised, the seats were not. So when the models hit the runway, I couldn't see below their hips. This was kind of a problem, since jeans were the main focus of the collection, and the tops seemed like an afterthought, as they were all either open in front or with such plunging necklines that no one with breasts could actually wear them. (Nor could anyone without breasts--I hadn't seen this many nipples since P.E. class in middle school.)

The models were the most surly I'd ever seen. I don't know if it's because they were told to look that way, if they were miserable because the clothes showed so much nipple, if they were hungry, or all of the above.

Saturday morning, I could've sworn I saw Nnenna from America's Next Top Model on the downtown 6 train--she was wearing huge sunglasses, so I couldn't tell for sure, so I kept staring at her, and she caught me. But lo and behold, Nnenna turned up here on the runway!

There were a few cute outfits. If the skirt were a few inches longer (and in actual production, it probably will be), I would definitely wear this.

This was one of the few outfits that looked both flattering and wearable. A sparkly jersey wrap dress isn't reinventing the wheel, but at least the model appeared to be enjoying herself.

Since I was exhausted and in need of a shower, I kind of bolted out of the show, at which point my favorite moment of the evening happened. All of the press materials for this show had touted the expected front row appearance of Michelle Rodriguez. Just as I was about to exit the building, everyone's favorite inmate came racing in (at 6:15, mind you, an hour and 15 minutes after the show was scheduled to start), incredulously exclaiming, "Oh, no! Did I miss it?" Um, yes. Although I'm sure she made it to the after-party on time.
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